Intercultural Health Info (IHI) will focus on these health issues and challenges:
“Female genital mutilation (FGM) is a common term for various types of surgery of girls and women where external genitals are partially or completely removed, or another type of permanent damage is caused, without medical grounds. »
FGM is a harmful act that is practiced in many countries in Africa and some countries in the Middle East. FGM is illegal in Norway. Norwegian authorities have initiated a number of measures against FGM. One of these is information campaign aimed at people with an immigrant background from countries that perform FGM. This information was created by and is available from the Norwegian Center for Violence and Traumatic Stress Studies (NKVTS). Intercultural health info (THI) will make this information even more accessible to immigrants by informing on seminars and in appropriate meetings with certain people. In addition, this information may be available by going to the following link at NKVTS: Preventive work against female genital mutilation
“HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) is a virus which causes weakening of the immune system so that the body is more susceptible to infections and disease. AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome) is diagnosed and used in advanced HIV complications. ”
There are a number of information materials about child rearing in Norway which has been translated in several languages. This information is available via the following link in Children, Youth and Family Affairs (Bufetat) : Parenting in Norway